Speaking with VG247 at the Develop Conference in Brighton, UK, EndWar development boss Michael de Plater said that he thinks Microsoft's Project Natal could reinvigorate the console (and PC?) RTS market. Comparing Natal's potential "power" and "precision" to menu scrolling in the film Minority Report, Plater anticipates Natal's combination of voice and gesture control to potentially be "really powerful and immersive."

During E3 2009, Ubisoft showcased the upcoming RTS RUSE on Microsoft's touch-screen-enhanced Surface table. While Plater knows the $12,000 home furnishing isn't going to be a regular household accessory, Project Natal has the potential to work with software in a similar fashion. "If the technology works -- so you could translate the interface they've already got working really well on RUSE into Natal -- it could work very, very well."

Hopefully Microsoft will reveal when Natal is hitting stores and what the device's final price will be soon and Joystiq won't have to put so much money into developing its own set of drug-addicted "precogs."
