News via emurussia

NES emulator has been updated recently. Changes:
- Reworked 6000h-7FFFh CPU handling.
- Reworked/increased sound caching and playback.
- Fixed system reset sequence.
- Fixed MMC3 IRQs, plus added WRAM control (mapper 4).
- Fixed load state error message in the GUI.
- Fixed a few typos in the GUI messages.
- Fixed internal iNES header/data patching by CRC32.
- Fixed three bugs in the savestate code, no more gray screens.
- Fixed APU reset timing.
- Mapper fix: 4, 33, 87.
- Mapper new: 5 (preliminary MMC5), 48.
- Changed a few mapper board names.
- Changed default value on NSF "invalid" reads (thanks jsr).
- Changed system RAM dump filename to gametitle.ram.
- Changed color RAM dump filename to gametitle.pal.
- Changed pattern table (CHR RAM) dump filename extension from .chr to .pat.
- WAV file record is now possible to schedule before the first game run.
- The mapper savestate block is no more saved with zero-length (unused).
- The song start number from NSF header is now used, instead of always 1.
- For safety reasons, the emulator quits on savestate loading error.
- Removed the CPU timeslice with Allegro's rest(1) to avoid deadlocks.
- Compiled with newer versions of GCC and Allegro, fixes a few things.
- Other important fixes there and there.