Xbox 360 Orrery quest now available for download on Live; 150 Marketplace points gets new task, rewards.
For most Xbox 360 Oblivion diehards, the joy over the downloadable horse armor has probably worn out its welcome. Thankfully for them, Bethesda today has released the second download for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, which adds even more content to the open-ended game.

As previously revealed, the Orrery features a new quest to help the Mages Guild repair a defiled Imperial Orrery. Gamers will attempt to return some valuable parts stolen by bandits when they intercepted an Imperial shipment. The quest also features new powers for characters "based on the phases of the moons."

The download's price comes as a relief to gamers, many of whom were dismayed at the cost of the horse armor download. At 150 Marketplace points ($1.88), the Orrery is 100 points cheaper than the equine protection, which went for $2.50.

According to the official PC Oblivion downloads page, the Orrery quest has not yet been released on that platform. The next announced download for Oblivion, The Wizard's Tower, has not yet been dated.