Croteam boss Roman Ribaric has told Eurogamer that Serious Sam HD may head to PlayStation 3 if you lot ask loudly enough.

"We received a lot of requests from PS3 gamers to support [Serious Sam HD]. They are all for it. So if we are asked, we are also for doing Serious Sam HD for PSN," he said.

Serious Sam HD is a remake of The First Encounter for PC and Xbox Live Arcade and will cost 1200 Microsoft Points (GBP 10.20 / EUR 14.40).

"And since it's a remake," explained Ribaric, "some people don't know what the catch with Serious Sam is. So, let's first remember that Serious Sam is an intense arcade action first-person shooter based on fast, frantic action, loads of enemies on screen at one time, seriously co-operative play, open and bright environments, uniquely designed enemies, big guns, biggest bosses ever, tons of secrets and a mix of humour, laughs and horror situations."

Serious Sam HD, then, will have all the above plus remodelled levels, improved textures, four-player co-op, beefier special effects and lots more polygons.

There will be "no toning down or reducing" content for XBLA either, says Ribaric, and future updates may appear depending on what Croteam can stuff in at launch.

The date of that launch is still "late summer" on Xbox 360, incidentally. That will presumably have to be after 19th August, which is when Shadow Complex - the last of the Summer of Arcade games - arrives.

The PC version "is coming afterwards", offered Ribaric.