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Thread: an idea that may work....

  1. #1

    Default an idea that may work....

    Here is a small list of open source/freeware games:

    One of the games in there is Vega Strike, for that game are 2 privateer remakes (one follows as close to original as possible). I have emailed the developers of the 2 privateer projects and asked for permission to use their code in a PSP port and if they have recieved the blessing and/or cease and desist orders from Origin/EA. I have found a number of projects with older Origin games that seem to be largely ignored by EA (one is the Ultima VII project that has made active attempts to contact EA with no response).

    However, since both remakes are based on Vega Strike (which is GNU open source) theres no reason why porting of the engine can't start now. If need be models can be created and skinned much faster than a port could happen.

    Just looked like our best bet for a new project. Outside of the legwork I'm not much help. I'm a hardware level person and not good with code, but I'll be happy to help coordinate this project with anyone that is interested. I have the builds for everything and the source for the Privateer remake (the one that includes extra content), I also have a 2Mbit upstream so I will happily email anyone who wants to help a copy of the source.

    Thanks to all the developers/coders who give up their time and take years off their live from stress to bring us this wonderfull homebrew. Now if you could just do one more for me..... he he

    Before I forget (again) the Vega Strike homepage is:

    Anyone who's interested in helping on this project can PM or email me.

    email: [email protected]

    (yes that's my actual email)

    Robot Devil

    Just recieved an email from the Privateer Gemini Gold project lead, we are free to use all of the code from the project for a port to PSP. Looks like we're off to a good start.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro jman420's Avatar
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    finaly! someone else that realizes that an opera singing robot devil is funny!

  3. #3


    Well, we are off to a good start, we got permission from both Privateer remake and Gemini Gold project teams to use their code and art as a foundation for our PSP port. Got Jman420 on board to help create some of the missing 3D models (interior bases and such), and we not only have the permission, but we also have the support of the development team (in a small way). Thease people have been working on the VegaStrike engine for a few years and have a very good understanding of how it works. Should make the life of whatever coder we get a bit easier.

    On a side note, speaking with the project lead for Privateer Remake project, there have been contacts to EA for permission to use the game artwork/storyline/characters and have recieved unofficial permission, as in, no contracts, but the officials know about it and have not responded negatively. So for now the project will continue, with Jman and myself working on creating models and reworking some textures to better fit the 16:9 aspect of the PSP screen. Still need a coder to work on converting the engine though.

    Just in the last part here I'd like to give big thanks to both the Privateer Remake team and the Gemini Gold team for allowing us to use the code they've worked so hard and so long on. Big thanks and woot.

  4. #4


    Just to bring everyone up to date (and get on the top of the list), with the help of HellcatV, I've (yes me) been able to get the privateer port to display in 480x272 without having the "fish eye" effect. Now that that's (<---allways sounds funny to me) done I can focus on changing the static textures to match the new aspect ratio. Stay tuned for how it's goin.

    And if you're a coder looking for a good project I still need you. You can PM me or send an email to [email protected].


  5. #5
    DCEmu Pro jman420's Avatar
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    well I'v been working on it a little bit, I'v been somewhat swamp'd with other things, but I have almost gotten the intire first landing pad done (I know it seems slow) but I did model it intirely from scrach..

    I never see you on however, so get your arse on ICQ foo! lol

  6. #6


    That's not slow, that's great progress! So far it looks like the graphics are going to be done LONG before we even get a coder. Oh well, we'll keep trying. And I've been on ICQ! Just not when it's convenient for you apparently. Also, I got the text to display almost correctly, need to know the native debug font of the PSP though, that would probably be the best one to use since I need something small. Many thanks to you Jman for putting together a full landing pad so quickly. Keep at it and we'll have this done by the time the PSP-2 comes out.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Pro jman420's Avatar
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    lol well alright I thought it was taking to long lol...

    and I dunno, I try to be on ICQ when I can, I'm just not always awake when other people are

  8. #8


    Many thanks to Kaiser for moving the thread to the development forum (as the project is being developed...) but I still need a coder to make the engine work on the PSP. It's not as much work as it sounds, I'm handling the graphics change (size and aspect ratio) as well as key mapping, all I need is for someone to get the engine to run (well?) on the PSP. Ok, maybe it is as much work as it sounds. But it would still be cool. I have a few sources with knowledge of how the PSP functions who will be willing to answer questions from time to time (I'd prefer not to name them so they don't get a bunch of mail with people asking questions) so whatever coder comes on will not be completely alone.

    Progress update:
    Graphics are as far along as possible for this time. I will be waiting on Jmans builds to change positions of text and trigger clicks. Text looks OK, could be better, I'm playing with different fonts now to see if I can get something else working. Keymapping is proving more difficult than originally thought. There are ALOT of keys used in this game, thankfuly there's no typing required. If anyone would like to download the Privateer Gemini Gold and make suggestions on key maps I'll be happy to consider them. So far the current plan has approx 30 button keypresses available (i.e. X, L+X, R+X, etc.) and the analog stick for movement.

    That's it for now, just wanted to let you all know that the project is moving along.

  9. #9

    Exclamation Just a reminder.....

    I'm still looking for a coder for this project. All I need is someone that can modify the engine to have it work on the PSP. The graphics are still coming along, the controller layout is on hold ATM. I have to go out of town for the next week and since all I have is my desktop it's staying behind.

    If anyone would like to be a part of this project in any way either post in this thread or PM me and I'll see what we can do.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Pro jman420's Avatar
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    you may have all those systems... but I have them all too, and they're turned on :P

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