Konami is using the San Diego Comic-Con (which begins tomorrow) to premiere an upcoming videogame based on the popular Metalocalypse cartoon. Players will join the ranks of the Klokateers, the band's faithful roadies, and do battle with "rabid mutant fans." The game takes place in the dungeons of Mordhaus and it sounds like there will be a good amount of exploration and mini-games to go along with the combat. Dethklok's music will provide the soundtrack, with songs from The Dethalbum and the upcoming follow-up, Dethklok 2.

"…Metalocalypse has built a solid fan base and become synonymous with two things -- animated destruction and metal," said Christina Miller, vice president, Cartoon Network Enterprises. "Working closely with Konami and the show's creators, we have found a way to incorporate both of those qualities into our first video game for the brand and provide a truly authentic gaming experience."

"We have gone above and beyond and found the biggest nerds in the industry to help develop and deliver what will without a doubt be the most successful downloadable cartoon death metal game in recorded history," said series co-creator Brendon Small. "I defy anyone to find another death metal cartoon that can claim the same. I think the most important thing to remember beyond the record-setting CD sales, and astounding ratings and growing rabid fans around the world, is that this game is going to be a blast to play. I am very excited to be a part of making video games metal."
