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Thread: Hudson Takes Flight On Revolution

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Rev Hudson Takes Flight On Revolution

    Whizzing through the inter-ether this morning, news of a brand new Revolution flying game from Hudson comes courtesy of the latest press release from those zany folks behind the wheel of this year's E3 juggernaut.
    Tentatively, and imaginatively, referred to as "Flight game", the PR gumph describes the game thusly: "Take to the skies in a way never before experienced on any home console. Using the Revolution's "Gesture System" built into their innovative controller, Hudson's new "Flight Game" allows total plane control as players pilot their planes through various acrobatic flight manoeuvres ranging from sky artistry to bomb drops."

    Keen-eyed readers will no doubt spot the similarity between this and one of the early Revolution tech demos, shown to journos at TGS last year, in which a paper plane could be pitched and steered over rooftops by tilting and turning the Revolution controller. Although no further details are currently available - nor expected until E3 finally rolls around - our tiny speculative hats are quivering with the possibility this might turn into the long-rumoured return for Nintendo's seminal Pilotwings franchise.
    While we'll admit we could merely be clutching at straws of hope and desperation here, it's worth remembering Nintendo's recent collaborations with major developers on some of its largest franchises - in particular Sega's take on F-Zero and Namco's efforts with Star Fox. And, you know, at least F-Zero turned out okay. With Hudson being a long-time partner with Nintendo - most specifically on the relentless Mario Party games - it's not wholly inconcievable the companies could be working together on a Pilotwings title.

    Still, as we're so fond of saying these days, all will be revealed when E3 swings open its doors this May.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Apr 2006
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    Lookin pretty sweet.

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