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Franco went on our forums to present its new version of its excellent homebrew Labyr1t 2D turn now to version 1.1. The work is huge for this new version, I can tell you no more, here are the details of his release ...

Franco Citation:
Here is the release of Labyr1t 2D, version 1.1, is I worked hard to offer you great improvements.

What Labyr1t 2D?

Labyr1t 2D is a game where you must pick the output in a maze. You are a little Pac Man through a maze with a number of lives per game and you need to go green until the location while avoiding obstacles red. Moreover, to complicate things a little, you have to realize this task in the time allotted to you.

The huge new features of version 1.1!

* Improved code
* Added a method of random mazes with no lives
* 3 new levels (with end)
* The number of lives is no longer reset to zero at each level.
* Added 3 modes of difficulty: easy, medium, difficult and that changes the time and number of lives
* Replacement of the small blue square with a Pac Man turns his head in terms of its direction
* Improvement of collisions
* When you lose a life, the game will not restart itself, a screen appears and you restart the game by pressing Cross.
* Bug fixes and minor additions

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