Hmm, bored of looking at that plain white 360 faceplate or already fatigued by the view from your latest game's 360 skin? Well why not create your own using your own designs, custom artwork, naughty pictures, or the scribbles you make when they allow you sharp instruments once a week.
Yes, well now you can live that particular dream courtesy of those nice folks over at Nyko, who've produced a DIY 360 faceplate kit which allows you to create 360 skins in the comfort of your own home, or indeed padded cell.

What you get for your $19.99 is six pre-printed designs, plus 15 blank templates and a two piece faceplate which houses the skins upon which you can make your grand 360 designs. A quick download from, provides the software to build your templates, then you print them out and within minutes probably, you could be snapping a brand new custom designed faceplate onto your 360.

Several lurid suggestions have already been made by the CVG team as to what they'd have on their custom 360 faceplate, most involving imaginative use of the ring of light, but a straw poll rapidly revealed a PlayStation 3 one would be a surprisingly popular option.
"Microsoft designed a product with a removable faceplate; Nyko is answering the gamers' call to fully exploit the fun option of personalizing the 360," commented Susan Corben Cox, vice president of marketing, Nyko Technologies. "At Nyko, we listen to the gamers, and design products to enhance their gaming lifestyle."

Unfortunately, it looks like the faceplate is only being released in the States at the moment, but we're just in the process of finding out if it's going to make its way over here to Euroland. In the meantime, if you just can't wait, there's always the magic of mail order.