I had a chance to chat with Marc Ecko recently about gaming. I taped the thing and asked my lovely wife to transcribe the rambly conversation for posting on Kotaku.

The conversation lasted about 30 minutes and in it we talked about Getting Up the future of Ecko Games, his love of Bob Ross and the systems he plays and played.

He struck me as pretty down to earth for a rich graffiti artist, and he definetly seemed to know his $#@! when it comes to gaming.

Brian Crecente
What is your sort of response to the reaction (to Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure)? It seems like it has been sorta mixed, though in general if you look at the scores it seemed to do pretty well when it came to grading. Some people kind of bashed it, but it wasn’t like people gave it an F.

Marc Ecko
Right, right. I was content I thought that, you know, I learned a lot from the process. You know the best critique is the consumer, I think that, you know, that it was definitely very interesting how polarizing it happened to be, at least online within hardcore gaming communities, that it was like either people loved it or they completely characterized it like it was $#@!.

More here --> http://kotaku.com/gaming/feature/eck...ing-168215.php