I am working on a portable Dreamcast called the PyCast (because of my last name Pyle) AKA the QTE Boy. I know I have (and/or am getting) the basic stuff.
Dreamcast (Getting)
PicoPSU 120 (Have)
Some random 12v 4500mAh battery I found online (Getting)
PSone Screen, 3 3mm T1 LEDs, 10ohm resistor and some ribbon cable (all ordered from Amazon)
Hot Glue Gun (Getting)
Desoldering Iron (Have)
Soldering Iron (Have)
Digital Multimeter (Have just in case)
Drill kit (Have)
Quantum Fighterpad (Getting)
Engraving Plastic (Getting)
Decals (Optional...And sure as heck getting)

Do I need anything else or am I all set?
I also have one more important question...How do I make the final product as slim as possible?