Activision has signed key actors up to its new X-Men film tie-in, which is due out on May 19th on a whole host of formats including Xbox 360.

Previously the games have had to make do with the authoritative tones of Patrick Stewart as Professor Xavier - something of a videogame regular - and stand-ins like good old Mark Hamill, but this time it'll be the real deal with Hugh Jackman handling Wolverine, Shawn Ashmore as Iceman and Alan $#@!ming speaking for Nightcrawler. All the characters have been modelled on the actors' appearance anyway.

Nightcrawler actually won't be appearing in X-Men: The Last Stand - the third film, due out at the end of May - but the game's supposed to take place prior to the events of that film, so perhaps it'll explain what happens to him - a theory supported by the involvement of screenwriter Zak Penn.

Speaking to the Hollywood Reporter, Penn said he was brought in "to sync up the film with the game" alongside co-writer Chris Claremont. "The game's based on the comic universe, which is different than the film world. I was charged with bringing the game characters into the reality of the movie," Penn told the Reporter.

X-Men: The Official Game is due out next month on PS2, Xbox, Cube, PC, X360, GBA and DS.