Several gallons of fuel have be chucked onto the Xbox 360 E3 gossip fires today,, is reporting, sending the worldwide renowned 'What the hell is Microsoft to announce at E3 2006?' rumour-$#@!-speculation-o-meter into red as the major videogame event creeps closer.
According to, the Xbox 360 pre-E3 rumour overload originated in a post in the forum of Spanish-language website, with the source - apparently said to be "very trustworthy" - providing the details claiming that the info will be made official at E3, which kicks off with Microsoft's press conference on May 8 in Los Angeles.

None of what's been 'revealed' has been confirmed officially by Microsoft naturally, but the source has detailed such Xbox 360-related E3 happenings as price cuts for Xbox 360 Core and Premium packages to be announced, Halo 3 being shown in video form and an unveiling of Rare-developed Kameo 2.
In fact, there's so much rumour that's dropped out the internet bomb bay doors that, even it's all actually been constructed by a hyper eager fanboy, it's possible some will strike true.

Obviously, have that truckload of salt to hand, but below is the tastiest of what's being whispered in darkened corridors about Microsoft's Xbox 360 E3 announcements (and many thanks to the chaps for their opinions on the rumours whipping around).

Rumour: Microsoft is planning to slash the price of the Xbox 360 Premium Pack and Xbox 360 Core Pack by around 80 Euros (55).

Truth or bollocks?: It's very soon for Microsoft to be cutting console prices, especially by around 25%. But the price of the original Xbox was cut by a similar amount only months after it was released in 2002, and a 150 Xbox 360 would be a real problem for Sony when they launch the PS3 in November...

Rumour: Halo 3 will be at E3 in video form, but will not be available until March 2007.

Truth or bollocks?: The whispers we've heard point to Halo 3 definitely putting in a non-playable appearance at E3, and although Microsoft would love to get it out in time to spoil the PS3 party we reckon a March 2007 release is pretty realistic.

Rumour: Microsoft is planning to cut the cost of a subscription to Xbox Live Gold, or make it totally free if you agree to receive advertisements on your dashboard. This is expected to happen in October.

Truth or bollocks?: Waiving the cost of Xbox Live Gold in exchange for receiving adverts is a business model the games industry wants to move towards - Tiger's ill-fated handheld Gizmondo tried it, but that's a bad example. And cutting the cost of Gold? Seems like a good idea, especially in the month before Sony's new and untested online service goes online.

Rumour: Rare has been working on Kameo 2 since before the first game was even launched. It will take better advantage of the Xbox 360's power and will be fully Xbox Live.

Truth or bollocks?: Kameo has sold very well on Xbox 360, so a sequel isn't a surprise. Plus, the original game is more or less a straight port from the old Xbox version, so we imagine Rare would like to build a new game from the ground up to stretch the Xbox 360 fully. Rare also recently released a coop Xbox Live patch for the original game.

Rumour: The external HD-DVD drive will be available in September, will connect to the console via USB 2.0, and will be priced at around 95 Euros (65).

Truth or bollocks?: Microsoft Europe exec Chris Lewis said last week that the drive would be at E3 so that's looking good. USB 2.0 (a much faster connection than standard USB) makes sense too. And that attractive price line up with the price of the first PC HD-DVD drives, so it's not out of the question.

Rumour: The Xbox 360 Camera will be called "My Eye On You", will be available in September, and will cost 47 Euros (30) on its own or 77 Euros (50) with a game.

Truth or bollocks?: We were expecting the Camera to be at E3 and to be available around September. The pricing is just about in line with Sony's EyeToy camera, so that also looks good. But that name? It's not very good, and it's a bit creepy...

Rumour: Microsoft has signed a partnership with US TV network NBC to broadcast Xbox Live games and tournaments on television as if they were spectator sports.

Truth or bollocks?: Recent Xbox Live updates have moved towards this kind of service, and Microsoft is planning far more Xbox Live tournaments in the future (the Xbox Cup and the Project Gotham Racing 3 Global Tournament are two current examples). Broadcasting these tournaments on television like sport could be a good way to reach a more mainstream audience.

Rumour: Before October you'll be able to play classic arcade games from companies like Sega on a 'virtual console'.

Truth or bollocks?: This sounds a bit daft considering the Xbox Live Arcade system is already in place (and is already delivering classic games like Smash TV and Joust). Sega has mentioned to us that it has plans for Xbox Live Arcade too, so we reckon something's got mixed up here.

Well that's quite enough rumours/truth to be getting on with, so let the forum comments frenzy commence!