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Thread: MAME4ALL alpha pre-release for testing

  1. #21

    Default I think I need to try this one

    It has been ages since I put anything onto a CD - but this is really sounding like a great piece of work.

    Me, I like old-skool stuff the best, which already worked on the older MAMEs - how does this fare with things like Popeye, Double-Dragon, R-Type - ie, not quite-so old-skool?

  2. #22
    DCEmu Newbie
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    constantly amazed of how Chui and Fox68k keep pushing the Dreamcast, reminds me of the Amiga and C64 days. Thank You guys!

    Tried Mame4All and had insane enjoyment of playing classics like Ghost'n Goblins, Bubble Bobble, Gauntlet, Gunsmoke, Zaxxon, Snowbros, Solomon's Key, Pacman, Choplifter, Hypersports, Kung Fu Master, Ladybug, the list goes on...

    Here's hoping that Fox68k's upcoming Z80 emulator will help bring more games up to full speed, though I must say only a few are really unplayable, Double Dragon comes first to mind.

    Also, like someone previously mentioned, I REALLY like that it runs on standard 320x240 resolution, since for the games that fit within those screen boundaries, it looks just like on the arcade on a rgb tv. even though I assume that Chui will add a stretch mode later on, I really hope that he will keep this mode, and perhaps add a 640x240 option for certain games that don't fit horizontally, just as long as you're not forced to have interlaced (ugh!).

    again, huge thanks to Chui and Fox68k!

  3. #23


    Very cool! Keep up the good work!

  4. #24
    DCEmu Newbie DyLucke's Avatar
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    Default Gracias Chui

    Soy nuevo en el foro y tal, queria lo primero darte la enhorabuena, tu trabajo es realmente admirable.

    He tenido la DC olvidada por un par de años debido a que el homebrew era realmente escaso y deficiente.

    Todo el mundo pretendia que con su soft se podía hacer algo y la realidad era un resultado bastante deficiente.

    Exceptuando unos cuantos trabajos y un par de ports.
    Más me he sorprendido cuando he comprobado que
    tienes abiertos varios frentes en emulación para la DC.

    Y con sorprendentes resultados.
    El NEO4ALL casi lo tienes, el DCASTAWAY es casi perfecto, el MAME4ALL ha resultado un gran avance, y por lo que veo tienes el PSX4ALL prácticamente en el bolsillo.

    Por todo ello, te animo a continuar adelante.
    Eres el puto amo.

    Tu crees que sería posible emular Model3 en la DC o las diferencias de hardware son insalvables? Ya se que el micro de la DC es escasito de potencia, pero desconozco a fondo las diferencias de hard con esa placa.
    Y ya que estamos, habría alguna posibilidad de poder conectarle en un futuro un disco duro a la consola?


  5. #25
    4ALLs coder chui's Avatar
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    DyLucke, este es un foro en Ingles, usa Dciberia.

  6. #26
    DCEmu Newbie DyLucke's Avatar
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    no problem at all, sorry about that.

    I will ask you again, after i congrat you again for your great effort and dedication. Keep it up!

    Is it possible to emulate the model3 hardware with our DC? ...I've heard about the hardware is almost the same. But i'm possibly wrong.
    And a last question, is it (or will it be) possible to attach a HD drive to our console? Some improvement like this, will allow a great enhancement in the homebrew scene.

    Is somebody working on it?

    Thanks again chui.

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