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Thread: Site Bugs, Comments, Missing Emus Topic

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Site Bugs, Comments, Missing Emus Topic

    This topic is the one to use to tell us if we are missing any Emulators, or if downloads dont work, links are wrong, bugs and that sort of thing

    We want to be the very best and so we may need your help to do so.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Site Bugs, Comments, Missing Emus Topic

    I'm not sure if this is relevant or not but once I'm logged in and browse the forum (lets say news for example), there's 4 new posts in there, I read 1 then go to another forum (lets say emulation), then look at the news forum it shows I've read all new posts (no icon visible for unread posts). If I open the news forum again it shows I haven't read 3 posts. Does that make sense? or do I need to explain further? - it doesn't happen at DCEvo's forum (that'll still show if I haven't read all the posts in the news forum via an icon).

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