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Dragon and Weed: Origins, is a series between the manga and comics all in vidéos.Elle takes place 8 years before the game Dragon and Weed: Black Ghost OPS (2.0 and earlier versions).
DAW: Origins blending action, humor and sometimes bare scenes to delight the wicked.

Synopsis: We are in 2053, so in a futuristic universe. The planet Earth is overcrowded, so some nations kill each other for a piece of land while others combine and work in space colonization. Thus born the USE or UES (United States of Europe / United States of Europe) and UNCS (Union pour la Nation Space Colonization). Weed Dragon and childhood friends are involved in the Professional Assassins a special program of military and spiritual training for young persons from their 13 years. They leave the program early and join the army of the USE.

During a mission to USE that Amanda meets a teacher working for a secret organization, it will not delay to join ...

The episode 1 to 10 are available for download in PSP format and streaming PSPTUBE (Youtube).

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