can come one please tell me why i cant convert kof2002 rage of the dragon, and svc chaos to .aes with convertneo.
i was in the process of burn the neo4all emulator but, when i tryed to convert some of the roms it said something about rom sets. the roms it wont convert are, rage of the dragon, snk vs capcom svc chaos, and the king of fighters 2002, when i play them in neorageX they all play fine. excluding snk vs capcom, it will freeze in one player mode right befor the fight starts. (whats up wit that?!) any way if someone could shead some light on this situation so i could get back to tryin to burn the damn thing it would be a big help
can come one please tell me why i cant convert kof2002 rage of the dragon, and svc chaos to .aes with convertneo.
For rage of the dragons, you will need a specific decrypted romset and may have to modify the romrc. I have edited the romrc entry for rage of the dragons and it works except for the music.
Also, make sure the names of your zipped roms match those in the romrc. <--This is most likely your problem
If renaming doesn't produce working .aes roms then here is my modified entry, make sure your roms are named exactly as mine and paste this into the romrc (to edit the romrc open it in notepad):
game rotd MVS "Rage of the dragons (decrypted)"
SM1 0x20000
264-m1_decrypted.bin 0x0 0x8000 NORM
SFIX 0x20000
rotd_s1.rom 0x0 0x20000 NORM
CPU 0x400000
264-p1n.bin 0x0 0x400000 NORM
SOUND1 0x1000000
264-v1d.bin 0x0 0x800000 NORM
264-v2d.bin 0x800000 0x800000 NORM
GFX 0x4000000
rotd_c1.rom 0x0 0x800000 ALTERNATE
rotd_c2.rom 0x1 0x800000 ALTERNATE
rotd_c3.rom 0x1000000 0x800000 ALTERNATE
rotd_c4.rom 0x1000001 0x800000 ALTERNATE
rotd_c5.rom 0x2000000 0x800000 ALTERNATE
rotd_c6.rom 0x2000001 0x800000 ALTERNATE
rotd_c7.rom 0x3000000 0x800000 ALTERNATE
rotd_c8.rom 0x3000001 0x800000 ALTERNATE
As for the romset, I had to construct my own out of roms from other sets, and had to patch some to make them into the roms that neo4all needs. I don't remember the crc values of the working roms, sorry.
Try smaller games first.
List of recommend games:
SVC Chaos has its own quirks, as well. Christuserloeser (above) details the solution in his NEO4ALL/AES FAQ, which you can link to from this forum (it's one of the stickies on the main page).
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