One of the main pioneers of the Sega Saturn Scene, Rockin-B has updated his site with this news:

You see I've added a google search option and a PayPal button on the top of each page. I think it's useful to be able to search for a specific thing in the hundreds of pages of this website.

The PayPal button has been added because I'd like to get more attention to this. People get everything for free on the web, but what I'm doing for SEGA Saturn and SEGA VMU is not for free for me, if you understand what I mean. Donations are an importand thing to keep motivation, especially when working for dead videogame systems, which only a few people remember and even fewer care about the homebrew stuff. All in all, donations help answering the question "What am I doing this for?", which comes to mind from time to time in todays world.

The links to the source code of WinterSports Eins and Atlas have been updated.

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