Hello everyone
Infernux & JmanUmmkay:
- I took the pictures with my favorite homebrew shell...IRshell...As far as I know it only runs in 1.50 PSP's.
- Like accordian boy said....No the game won't run faster when it gets all glitchy.
- I also want to add that this will happen in Mario 64 only if you stay long enough in the first level and constantly toggle the views with the shoulder "R" button...The game will remain glitchy till you decide to quit the emulator*tested*. However if you start Mario 64 and make a speed run to beat the Bob Omb King boss in level 1-1 you won't get the glitches*also tested*
- Has anyone gotten further than the Matchup screen in Smash Bros? My rom freezes everytime I am about to engage battle with the first CPU opponent wich always happens to be Link...in the zelda stage of course...If you view the stage maps in the other game modes it also freezes when you toggle onto this stage too...Every other stage seems to be viewable......I guess Zelda is just plain bad luck on this emu.