MisticAudio OTG Series PSP Case
Manufacturer: MisticAudio
Site: Buy from MisticAudio
Price: $32.95
Overview : High quality leather case with storage for extra UMD and two Memory Stick Duos. Also features built-in stand and extra smooth lining.
Features :
- Play thru design
- UMD/Memory Stick storage
- Built-In stand
- Magnetic closure
- Soft Lining
Quality/Usability : If you have read my previous review on Capdase's Leather S-Bracket Case, this case is pretty much similiar. The OTG case features a secure magnetic closure on the front and back. The interior of the case is lined with a soft velvet lining. On the flap of the OTG case, it houses two slots for memory sticks.
The PSP slides into the OTG leather case from the top. The PSP is held tightly in place with all the buttons easily accessible. Only problem is once the PSP is in the case, accessing the PSP memory stick is a little hard. To access the UMD door, simply unsnap the buttons similar to the Leather S-Bracket Case. On the black flap, it houses a little pouch that can hold a UMD of your choice.
With the PSP in the OTG case, the comfort of holding the PSP is very comfortable. Its not bulky at all. The front leather flap serves as a good protection as well as a stand.
Conclusion : Overall, the MisticAudio OTG PSP Case is a very well made leather case considering it has two memory stick holders and a UMD. Its a little pricey but than again, its a leather case. The case provides a good amount of protection front and back. If you plan on putting memory sticks onto the underside of the front flap, I suggest getting a screen protector because it has a potential of scratching the screen.
Last edited by bandit; January 4th, 2011 at 01:15.
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