news via psphacks

Quake sent word late last night with Extreme Link 1.6.3 attached, which boasts an all-new feature called Guide+. This new Extreme Link counterpart replaces PNG Imager allowing you to create fashionable guides for use in PSOne/POPS emulated games. And Extreme Link 1.6.3 v2 arrived this morning correcting a minor bug as detailed in the change log below. Good lookin’ out, Quake.


Extreme Link: Main
FIXED: ReName Error 52 – Displays bad file name Error message for \ / : * ? ” < >
Extreme Link: PNG Imager
REMOVED, DELETED, 86′ed, No longer Available
Extreme Link: Guide+
ADDED: ALL NEW Features and Abilities
Easily make professional guides with these new features.
Extreme Link: Options
FINISHED: Opacity, Main – Explorer – Records – Ciso – Guide+
1.6.3 v2:

Extreme Link: Guide+
Fixed: Fontstyle replace bug

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