Profetylen has released Achtung Wii Kurve v1.1

Achtung Wii Kurve is a clone of the computer game Achtung Die Kurve ( It differs in that it has a lot of customization- and control options and actually includes music, sounds and an AI. The game supports up to 12 players.

The objective of the game is to survive as long as you can by making sure your curve doesn't hit a wall or another curve. As you move you leave a trace behind you which noone can pass through except at tiny holes that regularly appears in the curve.

The controls are displayed in the game.

Release log
v1.0 - 29 June 2009

Initial Release
v1.1 - 21 August 2009

Added support for the balance board (untested, but hopefully works)
Rewrote the menu
Added option to save the preferences (provided that the folder Achtung_Wii_Kurve lies in the root of your SD card)
Added option to remove borders like in Snake 2
Fixed so that the passing-through bug occurs more seldom
Fixed a bug in the AI (which makes it much less willing to kamikaze)
Changed the logo

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