It's pretty much an open secret at this year's E3 that Microsoft uber developer Bungie will unveil Halo 3 to an eagerly salivating world, with the smart money now going on a video debut at Microsoft's conference on Tuesday, with the possibility of any playable demo action now distinctly receding.

Or is it? It seems Bungie may have more funky treats in store according to the latest word on the developer's web site.

Spurting info like hot chilli sauce, Bungie's very own Frankie says "As for our next project it continues apace. Lots of progress in every department, from UI to Animation to Engineering and of course, all the way back to audio. There are things to see in every department, some rough and ready and some astonishingly smooth, polished and even playable."

Note that 'even playable' pay off. Could we possibly see something at E3 this very week? Frankie doesn't exactly say, but there are hints that Bungie is desperate to unburden on something.

Frankie continues, "It's really making progress in an exciting and fascinating way. And I can't wait to share that with you properly. The level of secrecy is every bit as oppressive and confining for us as it is for you. Much, much bigger update next week. See you then."