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Thread: Apple squares up to DS and PSP

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    General games Apple squares up to DS and PSP

    Buying experience for DS and PSP is poor says marketing boss
    The competition between iPhone, PSP and DS is hotting up - Apple used its iPod showcase event today to highlight its position in comparison to other handheld games platforms.
    Specifically, the firm moved to crticise the buying experience for the DS and PSP in comparison to the iPhone and iPod Touch.
    "When [DS and PSP] came out, they seemed so cool. But once you play a game on the iPod touch, you think 'hey, these things aren't so cool any more..." said Apple's marketing VP Phil Schiller.
    "We're talking about 25, 30, 40 dollars a title. The kids can't afford those titles. Worse isn't the price, it's the buying experience."
    A demo slide at the event compared the quantity of games on the platforms: PSP's 607 games, DS' 3,680 and then iPod touch's 21,178, before kicking into a video montage of App Store games.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro dangee's Avatar
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    I tried one of the better games off the appstore.
    It was this kinda ski jump where you take your thumb off the screen to
    launch, and then tilt the console for perfect jump angle and because
    the server was quite busy I needed 111m to upload a score.

    good, but there ain't no Tigrex involved (Monster Hunter 2)
    or light sabres (SWB2 PSP)
    Quality games beat quantity any day

  3. #3


    In some ways I agree with the above comment, while at the same time what Apple is doing is quite ground breaking. At some point the big studios are going to take note and the iPhone/iTouch are likely to steal the show, especially since the PSP and DS haven't really changed anything in the last 6 Years.
    chicago web design - Building the Internet of Today, and Tomorrow - The Funniest Wedding Disaster Videos Ever Filmed

  4. #4


    In some ways I agree with the above comment, while at the same time what Apple is doing is quite ground breaking. At some point the big studios are going to take note and the iPhone/iTouch are likely to steal the show, especially since the PSP and DS haven't really changed anything in the last 6 Years.
    chicago web design - Building the Internet of Today, and Tomorrow - The Funniest Wedding Disaster Videos Ever Filmed

  5. #5


    Feel free to correct me but i don't think Sony's done anything really ground breaking in it's whole 14 years in the industry, i mean Ps1 was a stolen project from Nintendo and Dvd and Blu-ray were the obvious next steps, and it's debatable whether the way they ran Ps1 was ground breaking because it was really more just good timing, and people were so ready for it that it basicaly ran itself with little input from Sony, but i'm not even going to attempt listing Nintendo's achievements.

  6. #6
    DCemu Contributor NeoXCS's Avatar
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    Except the fact that the PS2 has the highest sales ever. Just because DVD was an "obvious step" doesn't mean it isn't ground breaking. It was unique when it came around and had one of the most amazing collections of games. It will probably be remembered for generations in the way some of the old consoles are.

  7. #7


    To me ground breaking means things like Nintendo bringing in things like analog, rumble, wireless, motion controls and reinventing genre's of games, even Apple seriously raised the bar with software interfaces, where Sony just copies all of this and put it in their consoles, but now people are looking for ingenuity in their consoles and Sony's never been able to offer that and that's why they struggling now.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by symbal View Post
    To me ground breaking means things like Nintendo bringing in things like analog, rumble, wireless, motion controls and reinventing genre's of games, even Apple seriously raised the bar with software interfaces, where Sony just copies all of this and put it in their consoles, but now people are looking for ingenuity in their consoles and Sony's never been able to offer that and that's why they struggling now.
    Lol I have to say that bull when nintendo created the N64 it's analog stick was wonky and sony created rumble first with the Dualshock lol sony has reintivated genre's with game like FF7 tekken Castlevania SOTN and let's not forget MGS. I think you guys are acting like childs when it comes to sony. I still think that there my favorite I used all the consoles and ps3 and psp Is what I played the most. Im might be sounding like a fanboy but I think it's unfair how people treat them but still wii is a joke and I have it and all it does now is collect dust.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by symbal View Post
    Feel free to correct me but i don't think Sony's done anything really ground breaking in it's whole 14 years in the industry, i mean Ps1 was a stolen project from Nintendo and Dvd and Blu-ray were the obvious next steps, and it's debatable whether the way they ran Ps1 was ground breaking because it was really more just good timing, and people were so ready for it that it basicaly ran itself with little input from Sony, but i'm not even going to attempt listing Nintendo's achievements.
    Wow I remember this it funny that it's nintendo's fault sony is as sucessfull as it is if nintendo didn't get in a fight with sony about the sound chip there would be no playstation so funny how nintendo could've stopped ps from even exsisting but instead went to philips. I like nintendo because I love the classics like metroid mario and zelda but now nintendo is casual damn shame. Xbox though I can't stand that piece of $#@!e console

  10. #10
    DCEmu Legend Eviltaco64's Avatar
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    In my honest opinion, more games doesn't mean better games. I'd take God of War or New Super Mario Bros. over Look Like Lady GaGa any day of the week. :P

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