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There. I book my holiday work: the mysterious forest of Bilu, revised and corrected.
This is a demo of my engine platform still under development, where you play Bilu (the blue ball) and harvest apples to advance levels.

New in the 0999 release:

Simplified startup, a single file through EFS Noda
Music Pierrick Hansen (few) noises through libntxm of 0xtob
beware Funki Funghi (right image), the fungus écrabouilleur
station to Appleman, gentle in appearance but tough
you'll need at least 16 apples to pass the panel of the 2nd tree (see left image)
a second level not completed
full, full, full of internal improvements which you probably do not worry but I'm super-proud

During the game, jump with X or Y and Dirrig character (the blue ball, must repeat) with the Dpad.
Start your game in pause mode debugging, L + START returns to normal.

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