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Summeli has ported the excellent GBA Emulator GPSP to the Symbian phones, heres his news:

This is just an initial release to gain some feedback how the port is currently working. I would like to know if you get any games running at correct speed. The first number in the fps-counter is telling how fast the emulator is running( it should be 60). If you do get something running at that speed, please also test the audio then. I have some tricks planned for the audio, but there’s really no point of doing it, if it doesn’t run fast enough.

Please list some games in the comments that you got running well, so I can test the audio with those. It’s really no point of tweaking audio, if the game doesn’t run well. Tell also what phone you are using. It would be very interesting to have some results from phones with 600Mhz ARM processor.

Know issues:

key config is missing
only one game can be loaded with each run
audio may not work well. I really didn’t have a good setup to test it.
You should turn audio on after a game has been loaded. Turning the audio on before loading the game will crash the emulator.
The emulator requires a lot of CPU power. It really doesn’t work with my N96 or N73

There is no keyconfig yet available, so you’ll have to bear with these for a while. up/down/left/righ form the d-pad
4: L
5: A
6: start
7: R
8: B
9: select
#: save state
* :load state
left softkey: menu

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