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Thread: Sega Mega Drive Gopher Released - With an SD Slot for expansion

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Home/News Sega Mega Drive Gopher Released - With an SD Slot for expansion

    You really have to admire the likes of Blaze, they have released many great accessories over the years and tonight over at their Hong Kong Store they have released an excellent Megadrive Handheld with 20 Builtin games, but unlike all the handhelds so far this one has the ability to play any Megadrive game via the SD Card Slot, meaning you have access to hundreds of games making this a pretty awesome way of reliving the great Megadrive days.

    Heres the full details from

    Although the latest consoles bring the gaming experience to the next level, it is always nice to play the classic games that are used to be popular in the past. This Sega Mega Drive can surely bring back a lot of good memory to the generations growing up in the 1980s and 1990s. Coming with AV and USB outputs, this Mega Drive not only brings back the classic games to the users, but also offers the never-before-experienced technological advancements. For the "used-to-be" young people, this Mega Drive is surely a perfect choice!

    Product Features:

    20 built-in classic games
    Players can also download hundreds more games with SD game card
    Feature USB and AV outputs
    USB charging and AV cable are included
    Revival of your best memory

    Price of the handheld is a rather decent USD 34.13 around 20 Pounds, god i hope they release a Snes, Nes and even a N64 Handheld

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend Eviltaco64's Avatar
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    It's only downfall is the awkward button layout. :/

  3. #3
    DCEmu Regular ojdon's Avatar
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    Hmm it's very interesting now it has an SD Card slot, I think I'll still stick with picodrive on the PSP though, it's probably more accurate emulation too.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie TaN00Ki's Avatar
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    Those games might not be popular anymore, but they are still much loved.

    For those who grew up as the same way the NES and Game Boy did, this is pretty cool.
    Dingo doesn't offer perfect Mega Drive emulation yet.

  5. #5


    Neat, can this play homebrew too, or just roms

    And which one was the mega drive, it was the 16-bit sega right (the genesis?)

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I'm a bit curious about this one too. Is the SD slot for proprietary cards or just plain cards with .BIN images on it?

    Another question will be the screen quality, and lastly battery life.

    Could be really nice. I might just drop a few $ on one just to check it out. I really don't like carrying my Nomad out any more.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkriku2000 View Post
    Neat, can this play homebrew too, or just roms

    And which one was the mega drive, it was the 16-bit sega right (the genesis?)
    Yes, it was the Genesis. It's called the Mega Drive here in the UK.

    This looks good, but it confuses me. Is it for roms, or do you buy the classic games from Blaze? I cant see Blaze supporting roms for some reason.

  8. #8


    Aww I bought the previous model with three buttons and no SD card expansion. Ah well, the DS does a reasonable job... good enough for me anyway!

  9. #9
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    TV out too! YAY!

    no thanks, ill stick with picodrive.

  10. #10
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    Can someone (whos owned it) please clarify whether it accepts normal SD cards or a proprietary format?
    I live in brazil, and TecToy (Segas representative in brazil) has launched this over here, and also they are selling preloaded game cards called MD cards. Problem is, it costs 140 R$ to buy the console, and 25+ R$ for the MD cards. not to mention the games on the cards arent even mega drive games. they look pretty bad actually. So, can someone tell me, please?
    Its too late really, since i already bought one (from superufo, not Tectoy) but i would like to know what im getting.

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