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Thread: iPlayer GBA-DS Emulator ver1.0 - GBA Emulator for DS/DSI

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    NDS iPlayer GBA-DS Emulator ver1.0 - GBA Emulator for DS/DSI

    News Flash - GBA SP with 2GB Hard Drive Released

    Darkchen has released the first public version of his astounding GBA Emulator for the Nintendo DS and indeed the DSI and only for the IPlayer Flashcart, heres the release notes:

    - Video & Audio
    Graphic size: Original size
    Game fast forward: default is off. The frame skip level will be set into 9 when you turn on it, then you can play games with the fastest speed
    Frame skip type: default is auto, you can set it into Manual, then you can set the frame skip level
    Frame skip level: the higher level the faster game speed
    Sound switch: switch on/off the sound

    - Save State
    Write game state: limited 32 slots
    Read game state: read saves with the screenshot and date

    - Cheats
    Supports Pro Action Replay/Gameshark codes.
    Put the cheat files into /Gamecht/

    - Tools
    Screen snapshot:
    Save the pics as .png format into /Gamepic/
    Supports auto display pics

    - Others
    Supports Auto standby
    Supports CHT/ENG

    Suggest to format microsd card into FAT format, it’s faster

    How to use:
    1st, Make sure the fireware and OS of your iPlayer is the lastest version
    2nd, There are CHT/ENG 2 emulators in the zip file. Install the one which fit your iPlayer
    3rd, Copy the whole NDS-GBA folder and files into /_system/

    Remember you need a DS Iplayer which can be brought in many options from Ishop VideoGame.

    Download and Give Feedback and Compatability Reports Via Comments

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie .:PSP1.0:.'s Avatar
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    Awesome news! Thanks Wraggy!

  3. #3


    Great work they said it could not be done Any hope this will ever work on the R4,M3,EZ Flash,Acekard etc.?

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie indaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Megatron222 View Post
    Any hope this will ever work on the R4,M3,EZ Flash,Acekard etc.?
    This will NEVER EVER work on those flashcards...

    As long as they do not release antoher flashcart with an extra cpu and extra ram (16MB).

    And actually the cpu spec of the Iplayer are pretty awesome (200Mhz arm9 + 400Mhz DSP, can even go higher, but it's certainly underclocked).

  5. #5
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Does anyone have the full specs of the Iplayer ?

    for me and i suppose many others is the fact that the Iplayer could become the main flash cart for the DS/DSI if we can get much higher performance for emulators, think of full speed Snes and other emulators, dare i say a poke at n64 emulation :P

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie indaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    Does anyone have the full specs of the Iplayer ?
    If you want to take a look, here is the datasheet of the main cpu:

  7. #7
    DCEmu Rookie ChaoticanarchyX's Avatar
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    Is anyone else having a fun time trying to get this to work, I've been playing around with it since yesterday and still cant get it to work.

    Edit, had a total noob moment there, I have it working now xD
    I also now notice that for some reason the classic games like zelda 1&2 and mario 1 & 2 they will not load up. They start to load and then go right back to the main Iplayer screen.
    Last edited by ChaoticanarchyX; September 20th, 2009 at 15:10.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    for me and i suppose many others is the fact that the Iplayer could become the main flash cart for the DS/DSI if we can get much higher performance for emulators, think of full speed Snes and other emulators, dare i say a poke at n64 emulation :P
    A shame that iPlayer lacks commercial compatibility, I buy my actual cartridges but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a romhack or two (extra courses online in Mario Kart DS, and my own "undub" of MegaMan ZX).

    One thing to bear in mind is that every card currently on the market works in the DSi's legacy mode; that is, as if it's running on any other DS system (67Mhz ARM9, 33Mhz ARM7, 4MB RAM). DSi's native mode, which has barely been utilized by the homebrew community, uses its ARM9 at 133Mhz with 16MB of RAM.

    Still not quite up to the iPlayer, even so, it makes you wonder if GBA emulation could be done without it. I mean, there was a time when people said you couldn't emulate GBC on GBA, then we got Goomba Color (by no means perfect but pretty damn close).
    Last edited by Hypershell; September 20th, 2009 at 20:22.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by indaman View Post
    If you want to take a look, here is the datasheet of the main cpu:
    Do you have any evidence to back up that it's using that SoC? I explain here why it's probably not using it: biggest doubt is price. I think it's probably using an Ingenic jz37xx chip, like many other low cost things coming out of China these days.

    It's almost definitely a port of gpSP too (not VBA)

    I haven't quit gpSP, just put it on hiatus for a while.

    Games like Super Mario Advance 3, Riviera and Sword of Mana actually DO work in gpSP, believe it or not. If they don't work for you then you're using the faulty BIOS. Don't argue with me, it's true; the sooner you accept this the sooner you can move on.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Old Pro DanTheManMS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChaoticanarchyX View Post
    I also now notice that for some reason the classic games like zelda 1&2 and mario 1 & 2 they will not load up. They start to load and then go right back to the main Iplayer screen.
    There are IPS patch files to make the Classic NES series work better. But I have to question why you would try to play these games considering that they are themselves just emulated NES games, when you can use NES DS much more effectively and with more features.

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