News/release from liberty

Hi. Thanks sakya for the excellent audio player for PSP. It supports many fornats. But most music I have is extracted by EAC. The music is one cue sheet and one flac like this:

I hope you can support cuesheet in the further release.
I have coded a cue player for myself. I am a novice programmer and the code is of low quality and I have just get it working today. I hope it will help you.

Note, the player is already been compiled. So if anyone want to test, just copy the cueplayer directory to your PSP.

Also, to compile the code, libflac and vorbis are needed.

To use it, you have to place flac and cue file in the same directory with the same name like CDImage.flac and CDImage.cue.

New version 0.05:
1. Major Skipping track bug Fixed with improved algorithm
2. Display improved, can display the disk information.
3. More tolerant to ill flac file.
4. Bookmark function.

Here is the button summary:
TRIANGLE: Goto file selection screen and stop player. It will automatically BOOKMARK now.
CIRCLE: Pause/ unpause player. DO NOT SEEK WHEN PAUSED. It is buggy.
CROSS: Goto the first track.
SQUARE: Load bookmark.

L_TRIGGER: Previous track
R_TRIGGER: Next track.
To exit player, press home button. It will not bookmark though.


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