Sony executive Izumi Kawanishi has highlighted some of his company's PS3 Linux plans, indicating that it will be possible for individual 'homebrew' coders to create playable content for PS3, something they keep blocking on the Sony's PSP handheld.

Comments made to the Japanese game website Impress Watch, and translated by Shou Suzuki, Kawanishi said: "Because we have plans for having Linux on board [the PS3], we also recognize Linux programming activities... Other than game studios tied to official developer licenses, we'd like to see various individuals participate in content creation for the PS3."

Kawanishi further comments were: "When a game studio enacts development on a PS3 by entering a license contract, SDK libraries... will be presented, and various technical support given. In contrast, when using Linux World on the PS3... support will fall to the lowest level required, and you must solve and work on things by yourselves."

Sony already made a Linux kit available with the PlayStation 2, but it is non known if any code created using PlayStation 3 and Linux will be freely available to run via memory cards.

Sony has not commented on whether it will only be possible to distribute this content via some kind of Sony-regulated online server, or only to fellow Linux coders, as was the case for PlayStation 2 Linux, which spawned a number of homebrew games.