Developer performs technical feat using XNA Game Studio 3.1
Porting games between both Apple’s iPhone and Microsoft’s Zune HD may be easier than initially anticipated.
Mobile games developer Foundation42 has managed to port its iPhone title WordMonger to Microsoft’s handheld rival in under 12 hours, according to report from Redmond Pie.
WordMonger, written in C# using OpenGL, was ported to Zune HD using XNA Game Studio 3.1 software.
Though the alleged twelve hour port highlights the ease in which mobile game developers can expand their reach, companies will still have to jump through Microsoft’s hoops to get their work officially published on the device.
Microsoft’s Brian Seitz recently revealed that developers would not have the opportunity to self-publish games on Zune HD.

Microsoft is instead working with a select number of developers “on a case by case basis”.
“It's not really come one, come all,” Seitz told The Seattle Times.