aight , sorry for the long title on this post , just wanted to describe the post better.

This is a post for anyone that needs help with graphics design , html , and php help for free , also i can store any type of files on my server if needed. i will go ahead and show you a little of my PHP work , if any of the admins dont want this link on here please post it , as i dont want to break any rules.

This website was made by using the PHP-Nuke portal
none of the theme ( template ) was made by me , only the logo on the banner that says Twisted-Yahoo
as of now this is my only work i can show you , but im sure i can help any of you with your sites , avatars or anything you need , just post in this forum or PM me and i will be happy to help

by no means am i trying to make money off of this , i just want to give a little back to the PSP community as it has helped me alot.

also you can alternativly email me at [email protected] or IM me on Yahoo Messenger at b_r_a_n_i_n
