Via Gamasutra

According to the report, the recently redesigned DS Lite took an impressive 60.19 percent of April hardware sales, amounting to 690,000 units and the Nintendo DS made up 12.01 percent of the hardware market share, and 138,000 units. The slimmer and lighter version of the Nintendo DS went on sale in Japan on March 2, 2006 for ¥16,800 ($140). The handhelds' closest competitor was Sony's PSP, which amounted to 11.34 percent of the hardware market (130,000 units).

The best-selling conventional console was the PlayStation 2, with 112,045 units (9.77 percent), the Xbox 360 struggling to break 10,000 units, and the GameCube down at 4,500 units. Interestingly, Nintendo's other portable handhelds, Game Boy Advance SP, Game Boy Micro, and Game Boy Advance, took 2.69 percent, 2.63 percent, and .02 percent of the hardware market respectively, around 61,000 units.