Hey, I know many questioned about this and I was relunctant to do so till after a major release was made (which was v2.0).

So anyways a donations email is now open for paypal donations. As soon as I can get a hold of wraggster, I will have him add a donation button on the right side of the website.

Anyways donate if you wish. No forcing nor will the outcome have any effect on productivity or favortism to thoes who donate. A major reason why I am doing this in the first place is because I want to have something to give back to people who have helped me. So 1/3 of all that comes in is being donated to the PJ64 team for all their help & cotinued suport. The rest will be used on stuff to help further development of projects like M64 & Iris by buying things like books, software or any hardware needed.

So that is it really. Just to let everybody know, I did talk to zilmar about this first to get his aproval.

Paypal donation email is [email protected], This email was created for this only so really emailing me at that address is a waste. It's better to just PM me if you wish to get in contact with me.

There is now a donation's button on the right side of the main page. Please donate if you wish.

--- List of Donators ---
$20.0 -- Sroon
$9.08 -- $n!pR
$7.32 -- Ben Slater (Wally)
$5.00 -- Sumo X

* Special thanks to all donaters *