News from DC Homebrew [br][br] Ian Micheal has released a port of Walter Haslebeck's (programmer) & Jon Chang's (art/animation) top scrolling shooter KETM (Kill Everything That Moves). Here's Ian's take on this release:[br][br]"This is a great game one of the better Freeware open source Shrump. [br]Ive ported and fixed the SDL joystick events so they work anlog control support it's a touch buggy when you first start but it does work ok after a bit hold it to each direction etc. Due to it not running totaly fullspeed the control lags a touch i have optimized some delays so it's a bit faster. It has stage's levels power ups and good grafix. High score table menu options. Its really got the makings of a great game it does not have music yet or run totaly fullspeed. This can all be done. But i would, like help on totaly Polshing the port up any takers? I think it's worth it."
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