No supprise here, but more updates to homebrew software on the wii after the 4.2 update, this time for Wii shop, and IOS61 Installer.

A simple edit of tona's Wii Shop and IOS51 installer by WB3000 for the System Menu 4.0 update. It installs the latest IOS61, and the latest Wii Shop Channel.

Current Issue: The Shop wants more than just it's correct IOS. This will not really help you much, but it's a start towards the right direction.

A couple of notes to get this working:

It worked just fine for me. Make sure the installation completes successfully!! If you are sent back to HBC, it failed. If it pauses and asks you to press a key to continue, it was successful. My first attempt installed IOS61 fine, but failed to install the Shop Channel.

Source wiibrew