Heres the info:

ARComics, Inc. continues to retool their vision/version of what a digital comic book could be with input from the visitors to the site. The site currently has several short animated Macromedia Flash teasers available (as well as artwork and information on various properties) that will give you an idea of the type of content being developed. Be sure to check out the latest release: THE FRONTEERS, to see the evolution of the ARComics digital animated episode on the Sony PSP.

ARComics sees the PSP screen size, Internet/network connectivity, commercial success and target demographic as a perfect venue to bring an entertaining means of reading to a new generation by blending technology with art and storytelling.

The version of the digital comic book is certain to stand apart.

Also note, the is looking for assistance from the comic book, technical, art and videogame communities to showcase up and coming pencilers, inkers, colorists and flash animators (the potential to have your work seen is enormous).

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