Rumors of a rainbow-splashed Wii and Wiimote lineup have been running for just about ever now, and while we've seen Nintendo cave and offer a black Wii, blue Wiimote and black Wiimote in select locales, the company has yet to push colors in a big way as it has on the DS lineup. Hopefully, all that's gearing up to change. At a small, quaint retailer event over in Japan, the Big N revealed that a blue and pink Wiimote would hit the Land of The Rising Sun on December 3rd, though pricing on the new hues remains undisclosed. In related news, a few new Japan-only Wii console / game bundles were also made public, and while the Samurai Warriors 3 package will indeed include a glossy black Wii, you'll need a round-trip ticket to Akihabara in order to claim one as your own. For shame.