News from Lik Sang

Riding high on the success of Chaos Field, Milestone ported their second Naomi arcade hit to the Dreamcast earlier this year. Radilgy certainly impressed too, and now they're keen to show GameCube and PS2 owners what they've been missing. A relentless shmup starring mech like warriors, along with your trusty upgradeable gun you'll also pack a windshield wiper style laser sword which reminiscent of Radiant Silvergun, blocks your foe's projectiles, plus a concentric barrier which absorbs shots and inflicts damage on enemies within its range.

Beyond the original Arcade Mode, both Radilgy GeneriC (Radilgy GC) and Radilgy PreciouS (Radilgy PS) also have unique Score Attack modes, and visually you're in for a treat as well. Graphics seem almost hand-drawn in a toon-shaded style, and multi-colored blobs spray from all sides while enemies pop to death in an explosion of rays and puffy detonations. Due this week you can grab your sword, ignite your vulcan cannon and steer your mecha into a bullet-storm where it'll take all your skills just to stay in one piece!