Despite not being playable at E3, Super Smash Bros Brawl for Wii was the talk of the show thanks to its highly amusing trailer, which revealed the characters due to feature in the cartoony scrapper - including newcomers Pit and Meta Knight who we've managed to dig up the latest screenshots of.

Meta Knight is of course the nemesis of Kirby, the gurning ball, and usually appears as a boss in many of Kirby's games. Meta Knight isn't as evil as his menacing armour might suggest as he's a chivalrous and noble warrior, even offering a sword to the unarmed Kirby at the start of one battle.

Pit is the angelic hero of the Kid Icarus games, who helped the imprisoned Goddess of Light, Palutena, defeat the evil Medusa. Pit's main weapon is his Sacred Bow of Palutena from which he can shoot arrows of light.

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