Indie developer Schiau Studios has raised the price of its Alchemize iPhone game to $39.99 (£23.99 in the UK) after receiving complaints about its original $2.99 price point being too high.
"This price was set due to the fact that every developer who gets complains about price they tend to go only in one direction. And that is down with the price," the company stated.
"We wanted to get everybody's attention and therefore we did the opposite this time."
The price will come back down, but Schiau will have made its point. It's not the only developer to complain that the glut of 99-cent games on the App Store have led many users to think that ALL iPhone games should be that cheap.
Meanwhile, Schiau has announced that once the price returns to normal, it will donate 33% of its revenues from Alchemize to charity, in the form of a 19-year-old transplant patient who is fundraising online.