As it has done in the past, Microsoft is offering early access to its next Xbox 360 Dashboard update (which integrates Twitter, Facebook, and Zune Marketplace) to those who sign up -- and are then selected -- to preview it. Major Nelson has just updated his blog with word that the signup process has begun for the program, mentioning that Microsoft is looking for "multiple thousands" of users to test out the update. So, sounds like chances of getting in are good.

Those wishing to put their names in the hat for preview access can do so by hitting the Microsoft Connect site and filling out a survey. The preview program is being offered in all territories where Xbox Live is available, but keep in mind you'll need a Windows Live ID in order to apply. The Major says those who've been picked will receive an email in about a week; after which the update will be pushed out to their consoles, and they can start bragging about their early access via Twitter and Facebook right from their 360s.

If past Dashboard preview programs are anything to go by, everyone who signs up will eventually gain access just prior to the update's release -- which may happen on November 17.