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Thread: How to burn multiple images to one CD?

  1. #1

    Default How to burn multiple images to one CD?

    I noticed that a lot of homebrew is really small and it seems like a waste burning very small files to a disc....

    Is there a tutorial on how to burn multiple files to one cdr?

  2. #2
    Dreamcast User Dull Blade's Avatar
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    yes there is. People call it SBI's (self boot introducer). It is a tool created by "burner O". I don't know if there is a tutorial, but i suppose I'll explain.

    1) download sbi files, most can be found on this site. (files end with .sbi)

    2) Go to and down load Sbindv4.exe, aand install it

    3)now open the folder that you installed it to and place your .sbi files in the sbi folder

    4) next run Sbinducr.

    5)chooses the menue type (I perferr single menu)

    6)then click on extract sbi (next to choose menu)

    7)and finally choose what sort of mange you want to make (Dj, Nero, Nero tao, or cd recorder)

    8)well you made the image and you should be able to just burn the image.

  3. #3


    Cool, thanks for the help, but can you only do it with .sbi files?

  4. #4
    Dreamcast User Dull Blade's Avatar
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    yes. however most files can be found in the sbi format, if you look hard enough (except for really recent ones, the sbi for those usually comes out a few days lator).
    And I also should of mentioned sbi builder in my tutorial.

    well any ways for games without sbi files, you can alway make them your self with sbi builder, I havent actually used it my self but from what i've heard, it work good.

  5. #5


    Actually, you can put games into Dream Inducer compilations even without SBIs of them.

    You need what's called the "plain files" rather than a precompiled Nero or Discjuggler image (you can get the plain files out of a disc image by mounting it to a virtual drive like in Alcohol or Nero).

    Then, the main binary, which is called 1ST_READ.BIN, needs to be unscrambled, there's varios tools for doing that.

    Put the plain files in a folder and be sure to keep the original directory structure intact if there were other file besides 1ST_READ.BIN. 1ST_READ.BIN can actually go anywhere as long as the MAINMENU.DXL file is pointing to the right location (you'll probably want want to rename 1ST_READ.BIN as well, which is fine), but all the other files need to be where they're supposed to be: if they were in the CD root, then they should stay there; if the were in \root\GAMEDATA or some such place then make sure they're there; etc.

    Lastly, you just edit the MAINMENU.DXL file in Notepad or some other such text editor following the examples of other item listings already in the file.

    Then create and burn the image based on the folder you put everything in just as you would any Dreamcast image.

    Hm. I forgot to mention that you need the Dream Inducer files themselves along with a theme. Just in case that doesn't go without saying, you do.

    ...word is bondage...

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie Cid Highwind's Avatar
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    Another option would be to get all the plain files of the games you want, and get the selfbootable CDI image of DCHakker.

    Burn DCHakker to one disc, and use it as your homebrew bootdisc.

    Then create a multisession disc on which you put all the games and rename their 1st_read.bin to something like Amanda.bin for example, so that you know what to play. Do not finalize this disc if you want to add other stuff to it later on.

    You can even add an emulator to this disc and burn the roms onto it, just make sure you put the roms in the right folder if the emu demands so.

  7. #7


    Yeah, DCHakker is great, so much easier to use than Dream Inducer, though I still like to put together nice polished Dream Inducer compilations with my custom theme about once a year or so.

    It's really a shame that no one has ever put together anything better than those two. It would be pretty easy to make something that would be as easy to use as DCHakker, but still offer all the theme-ability of Dream Inducer (or more actually). Actually, you can put a background image in DCHakker by putting a JPG in DREAMHAKKER\BKG, but screenshots, sound effects and all that other stuff should be possible, too. Actually, what would be really cool is something that uses also has a plug-in system so that you could work as universal front-end for emulators and multimedia, too (which would probably require some source alterations to the emulators, but that should be possible for most DC stuff, since it's mostly all open source).

    ...word is bondage...

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