Latest Call of Duty becomes the first in the series to get an 18 certificate from the BBFC
The BBFC has confirmed that it has granted Activision’s upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 an 18 certificate – making it in the first in the series to receive the highest age restriction.
All previous titles in the series have been rated at either BBFC 18 or PEGI 16+. And considering the gratuitous flesh-burning and execution scenes seen in the last game, World at War, the violence level in the new title must be quite extreme.
There isn’t much in the way of information in the BBFC’s ruling, though it notes that the game contains around 40 minutes of cut scenes. The rating was arrived at based on 45 minutes of in-game footage.
Some media outlets have also noted that the certificate refers to the game simply as Modern Warfare 2, with no mention of Call of Duty – reigniting the long-running debate.