It's just days rather than weeks to go until this summer's festival of football kicks off in earnest. And with World Cup fever building and England almost certainly fielding their final XI against Hungary tonight, EA has exerted its mighty marketing arm to secure a few words with England and Chelsea midfield general Frank Lampard.

Going on the record to coincide with the PSP launch of 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany, Lampard reveals that John Terry is the England team's best games player (or thinks he is), Rio Ferdinand is the biggest joker of the pack (no surprises there) and of course he reckons we can win it this time around ending 40 years of hurt. Take it away, Mr Lampard.

Can England win the World Cup?

Lampard: Silly question. Of course we can. We have a fantastically talented squad and there's no way we're going there thinking we can't win.

Do you prefer playing against teams you've never played before (i.e. Trinidad & Tobago) or teams you know well such as Sweden?

Lampard: I prefer playing teams I know as there's less that you have to take a chance on, you know the players, the tactics, so you just have more time to concentrate on your own game.

Who are the top players (any nation) we should look out for in the World Cup and why?

Lampard: Ronaldinho as he's just the all round entertainer. And Messi as he has so much potential to hurt defences.

Do you have any pre match rituals? Who has the weirdest superstitions in the team?

Lampard: I have rituals but they change all the time so can't really pick any long term ones.

Who is England's biggest practical joker?

Lampard: Rio Ferdinand.

Everyone remembers Gazza's tears in Italia '90. How emotional would it be for you and the players to actually win the tournament?

Lampard: It would be a dream come true for me. I can't even contemplate how good it would feel.

Many of the lads play videogames in between matches at the team hotel, or on the team bus. Who is the best videogame player amongst the squad? And does it get competitive between the lads?

Lampard: Most of the lads play the FIFA games when together, and it does get quite competitive. And John Terry definitely thinks he's the best games player.

Did you feel any pride when England won the 2003 rugby World Cup, or last year's Ashes

Lampard: Obviously I was very excited. Its always great when England take on the world and win. I especially loved the Ashes as I'm a huge cricket fan.