Leading social network set to feed into Microsoft’s search engine
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg has confirmed that the social networking site will feed user data into Bing search engines.
The move replicates Twitter’s recent announcement that public Tweets are now indexed on Microsoft’s bourgeoning search engine.
Facebook will soon give its users the option to switch is private, friends-only news feed into a wholly public feed, that the likes of Bing – and perhaps Google – can emulate.
“We should have our public updates integrated into a Bing beta within a couple of months,” Sandberg told The Telegraph.
“Unlike Twitter’s data stream, which is already totally public, we have to be very careful about making sure the correct data is streamed.”

Sandberg confirmed that Microsoft would not be paying Facebook for access to its feeds – of which Sandberg says receives over 45 million user-updates each day. It is still not known if Twitter is taking earnings from Microsoft or Google for its search deals.
