If you loved Tetsuya Mizuguchi's previous music games, the hypnotic shooter Rez and addictive PSP puzzler Lumines, then you'll no-doubt be gushing for his latest base-thumping shooter, Every Extend Extra.

Based on a freeware PC game, Every Extend Extra is a puzzle-shooter hybrid that has you moving a cursor around a stylised, dynamic Rez-style backdrop. You're tasked with shooting down chains of dancing symbols, but - seeing as your ammunition is limited - timing your shots for the best chain of combos is the way to rack up your score.

Considering the gorgeous graphics and thumping soundtrack shown off in this new trailer - and our everlasting love for Rez and Lumines - we reckon Every Extend Extra is one to look out for when it hits PSP this autumn.

News and Trailer at CVG