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Thread: Been trying to come up with something cohesive to write for a bit, but this is it

  1. #1
    Dream Coder
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    Apr 2004
    Miami, FL
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    Default Been trying to come up with something cohesive to write for a bit, but this is it

    Well, as many of you may have noticed, I havn't released anything in a while (since new years). I figured I'd take a bit to consolodate everything I may have already said or not said prior on these forums and others as to my relative abscence for the past year-ish.

    As some of you may know, last year I was attending Carnegie Mellon University (for those of you who don't know, one of the top Computer Science schools in the country). While up there I faced fairly severe depression and withdrew into coding for the DC, spending a good 10 hours a day messing around with code (instead of going to class). Little to my shock I ended up failing out and being put on a one year academic suspension.

    Over the summer, my mother was (quite understandably) upset with me and so I spent the bulk of every day doing relatively hard labor (we have quite a large house that is absolutely filled with crap, as well as a large yard and patio, so I was kept busy tearing out trees, pressure cleaning, repainting, and other tasks), then, by the end of the summer, she kicked me out and I moved in with my dad (who only lives about 3 miles away, but is a relatively big paradigm shift for me). At this time I started going to a local community college just to keep my schooling up (and because it's free under florida statewide scholarships).

    At about the same time as I moved in with him, my dad told me that he had prostate cancer, and was going to need me to be staying with him to watch over the house and to a part him while he would be spending some weeks upstate for advanced treatment. It's been a few months now, and at the end of june he is going for the last series of treatments and checkups, so it seems that it's all been fixed with the exception of his lack of energy and overall weak state(hormone therapy and radiation will do that to ya).

    On top of all that, in febuary, my computer was stricken down in a thunderstorm (damn no good surge suppressor) and I lost basically everything, except for the few projects that I had copied to my laptop to ponder about while on the road.

    About two months ago (ish), classes ended for the summer, and I finally thought I was going to be able to get back into coding (I don't want to get rusty considering I plan on doing it professionally) then I met this girl. Long story short, I spent most of my time with her and still do, see her about every day. Even more recently (3 weeks ago) I got a job working as a salesperson at CompUSA. The pay is good enough, but even though I'm part time they have me working full time hours, so between work and this girl, I havn't had much time for coding. That and she's gotten me into a low level drug and alcohol usage (not abuse really,it's only occasional, standard teen experimentation crap) so that consumes another chunck of my time.

    A few nights ago though, I decided that I can't keep letting it slip farther and farther away from my mind and so I'm back (for whatever that's worth). I have 3 ports that just need a bit of polishing before being released, and have a few projects still under wraps that are a bit more secret.

    And a question that I'm sure quite a few of you may have pondered: Is NeoDC dead? No. The last sources I have are from november, which sadly is before I finally got an MVS rom to load (my test one was bubble bobble and I was able to get it to load properly and start executing code). Luckily most of the framework and one of the most insidious bugs I had are fixed in that version. I'm not sure that it will even be able to be ready for the end of the year, but when it does come out it will support both CD and MVS games in the same program as well as a fairly comprehensive settings saving system and a multilingual interface (things I've tested and proven in a from-scratch emulator I wrote and showed off at DreamCon).

    Anyways, that's what's been going on in my life for the past year-ish, just thought I'd clue ya'll in.
    If anyone is looking to buy, sell, trade games and support a developer directly at the same time, consider joining Goozex. Enjoy!

  2. #2
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Armagh, Ireland
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    wow, i had no clue, Quzar. Grad to hear your life seems to be getting back on track.

  3. #3


    Sorry to hear man. Glad to see your regaining control of your life again.

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