Fortune magazine compares Apple CEO to Henry Ford and Juan Trippe
Steve Jobs – the face of Apple, who spearheaded the firm’s push into the MP3 player and mobile phone sectors – has been voted CEO of the decade by Fortune magazine.
"Remaking any one business is a career-defining achievement; four is unheard-of,” read Fortune’s tribute to the Apple CEO.
"In the past 10 years alone [Jobs] has radically and lucratively reordered three markets – music, movies, and mobile telephones,” read the report, “and his impact on his original industry, computing, has only grown.
The tribute to Jobs compares his achievements to pioneers in other industries, such as Henry Ford establishing the auto industry and Juan Trippe inventing the global airline.
Fortune claimed that such entrepreneurs pioneered in a market that had no real competition and no leader.

“The industries that Jobs has turned topsy-turvy already existed when he focused on them," the publication said.