WiiCrazy/I.R.on has updated Crazy Intro to v1.0:

Crazy intro is an autoboot homebrew to use along with Preloader

1.0 - 06/11/2009 - http://www.tepetaklak.com/data/CrazyIntrov1.0.rar

Compiled with latest Grrlib 4.1.0 / devkitpro r19
Default intro can launch the Homebrew Channel with the new title id.
Added random theme support, in CrazyIntro.xml config file set the theme as random. The example configuration in the distribution also uses random.
Added random/sequential (up to 9999 pictues) boot picture support. So in a theme you can have multiple boot pictures and program will alternate between those boot pictures. See theme_explained.xml or supplied kanji_10 theme for it's usage.
Improved dol/elf loader, still buggy though in certain apps.
